FAQ about RV Life

  • Why are you doing this?
    • We really felt a calling to live life differently. We wanted to be able to spend more time together, see more of God's creation, give our kids a broader world view, live without debt, let other things take priority over money and material things, be able to bless others, and to glorify God by being more dependent on His provision and leading vs. relying on our means and making our own plans.
  • How long do you plan on living in an RV?
    • Until we no longer feel the desire to do so! We think we will eventually want to settle down again. We are planning on taking the RV to CA, but when we will buy a sticks n' bricks again, I am not sure. Right now, we are open to living in the moment and seeing where it is God leads us. 
  • Is there anything you miss about your house or your things?
    • NO! Crazy, but true. Of course, it's only been a few months but there is absolute nothing I miss. Not.One.Thing. I love the lower maintenance both inside and out with the RV. I no longer feel like we have wasted space. I often complained that our old house was too big as I felt the only rooms we actually "lived in" were the kitchen and living room.
  • What about the space? Isn't it hard for two people with three little kids to live in such a small area?
    • So far we are all quite comfortable. Yet, this is coming from someone who thought 2100 sq ft was too big. However, the girls have their own room, which they are all enjoy sharing. They used to all have their own room, so I think the fact they are all together is new and exciting and they do a great job going to sleep at night (my concern before we started). Kay and I have our own bedroom, and we can hang out together in the living area or play outside. It's cozy, but very enjoyable! I think having the right RV with the right features goes a long way in how enjoyable full-timing becomes.
  •  What do you do for work?
    • We are still living where we work, so work hasn't changed much. When we hit the road in a few more weeks we will still be earning money from the business, but obviously not as much. So the goal is to need less money and be able to go and do more things, and we feel we are on the right track. Getting rid of the mortgage and excess bills has certainly helped!

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